
My Sweet Mother




My Sweet Mother

Monday, July 14, 2014

Soursop : Miraculous Cancer Killer

Many people died of cancer every year, every year many new patients diagnose for cancer.

My past experience told me no allopathy medicine can cure cancer, it just suppress for few period, and also has many side effects. Homeopathic can help at initial stage if cancer discovered at initial stage. Then we can move to One more option that is Natural Therapy or Natural Medicine.

One day I was surfing internet just like that, a thought came into my mind, look for cure for cancer over internet... What i found on internet a natural medicine name Graviola, soursop, guanabana or chirimoya. This the name of tree at different place name soursop tree. The various parts of this tree including bark, leaves, fruit, seeds, roots all are usable for cure.

Research Shows:
  • Soursop is 10000 times stronger to slowing the growth of cancer than chemo.
  • Soursop attacks cancer safely, it does not has any side effect like in chemo therapy side effects like weight loss, hair loss and nausea.
  • Protects your immune system and avoid deadly infections.
  • Feel healthier and stronger throughout the course of treatment.
  • Boosts your energy levels.
Asap, I'll provide you sources from you can purchase Soursop online or physically...

Also I request you to spread this to people you know or just share this post using sharing tool below.

Source: Internet

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Antioxidants and free radicals

Name of antioxidants came frequently when we discuss about health and prevention of diseases. The human body always releases free radicals and the antioxidants weaken their effect. (Those who don't know what is free radicals, Free radicals in simple language are everywhere around us in surroundings, in air, in our body, in each material. fading in paints and artwork, illness due to aging also cancer, heart attack also the cause due to free radicals. Free radicals are very reactive and can cause damage to surrounding particle.)

Free radicals are more in numbers than naturally occurring antioxidants, so to maintain the balance we should supply the externally the source of antioxidants to body, These can be Natural Source of oxidants or Supplements for Antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralize and removing  the effect of free radicals in body.

I heard that antioxidants are able to stop cancer cells in body. Antioxidants able to limit the growth of cancer cells in body of a cancer patient. Cancer cells are nothing but the damaged cells just because of free radicals. To Stop not to grow these damaged cells we need to take antioxidants in diet or as a supplements after consult to a doctor.

If you find this article helpful please share to reach to maximum people take benefits of it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fight with Cancer

Today, we are living a very unhealthy life due to Pollution, vegetables and fruits with pesticide, mental and physical tiredness, irregular sleep, odd working times.

There are thousands of people in India itself who can't afford treatment of cancer, it is too costly for lower class, lower middle class families.

A Family loose so many things in fighting and in treatment of cancer of their beloved ones, sometimes the cancer cures but the family become mentally, financially and when they lost his/her loved one become emotionally sick.

Reason for cancer is not only the chewing tobacco or inhale cigarettes, people who never touch the tobacco/cigarettes in life seen suffered from cancer.  I also mention here the advancement of cancer due to heredity.

So, I want a  people to be aware of cancer, know the causes, symptoms and most IMPORTANT know how to PREVENT cancer.

Please do share and comment if you have some information.

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